
Saturday 11 July 2015

Weekly training update- Week ending 12th July - I finally trimmed my beard

I finally trimmed my beard this week, after the complaints I got last week
I don't give a fuck about any of you though, so I took this weeks photo prior to getting it trimmed

Training this week was pretty decent, body weight is filling out nicely and weight increased to 76.5kg this week. I did however hurt my serratus on Thursday while picking a 25kg plate off of the ground. I thought I tore it initially as it swelled up instantly and couldn't sleep at all that night for the pain but in the morning there was no bruising just a shitload of swelling. Friday I added a lot of curry powder, turmeric, ginger and garlic to my food to help with the inflammation and the swelling and pain has almost subsided. No idea what I did to be honest but I should be fine to squat again by Monday

So, this weeks training:
Monday I squatted 5x150, 3x170 and a single with 190kg pretty easy, followed by 5x12 safety bar squats and a dropset with 65kg on the last set getting an extra 12 reps out. Then some bulgarian split squats and I was pretty toast by this point

Wednesday I benched, everything pain free which was great for a change. 70kg on close grip bench for 5 sets very slow and controlled, hitting 15 reps on the first set and didn't count the other sets (they dropped off pretty fast though). Then I did 5 sets of body weight dips and finished with incline dumbbell bench, decline dumbbell bench and some push ups

Diet for the next week will stay the same calories, going to play with increased meal frequency- 8 on training days (2 pre and peri workout liquid meals) and 6 on non-training days. Weekly calories will be the same but on training days I will eat 3350kcal and on rest days 2850kcal
Fats will be at 135g, protein at 200g, the rest of the calories from carbs.

I'm eating mainly white fish, potatoes and rice. Pre-workout is rice flour with some water and peanut butter and during my training I drink a half serve of protein with a lot of sugar. Most of my carbs are around when I train and most of my fats are in the morning

That's all, enjoying the progress so far, this is definitely the best I've looked

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