
Saturday 25 July 2015

Training update week ending 26/07/15 - Now with bathroom mirror selfie

Training these last two weeks has been going well. Starting to go heavy now for the Melbourne Open on the 15th August.

For squats, I hit 220kg last week then 230kg this week. This week coming will be 240kg.
Then I've been doing the same bodybuilding training afterwards, sets of 10 with 2 plates on the safety squat bar mostly. I also increased my hamstrings work with glute ham raises

Deadlift similar story, hit 2x250kg last week and 2x260kg this week. So a single at 270kg next week.
Been having issues with triceps tendinitis which was caused my doing yoke walks the day after benching with incredibly tight pecs. Issue is mostly sorted now but no more yoke walks for the time being.

Benching not so good, hit 115kg and then 120kg was very hard this week. The issue is a complete lack of tightness and control when the bar is near the chest. I've been doing mostly incredibly light, high rep touch and go work to save my shoulders and let them recover so now most of my training will be long pauses. On Saturday I hit a few triples then a set of 6 with 3 second pauses at 100kg. Tuesday I'll do this with 105kg, then 110kg on Friday... See where I stand after that.

I found a new triceps exercise I really like- overhead ez-bar extensions on the cable machine. Feels really good and is completely pain free. Amazing pump and really targets the part of the triceps that I lack (long head)

Body weight is now up to 81.5kg. Gaining very well, waist is still tight but I'm now holding a bit of water around my midsection. Still very lean though as evidenced by the mandatory bathroom mirror selfie

I'll be keeping calories at 3350 this week, with 500 less from carbs on my rest days

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